Christ the redemeer or commnly called Jesus christo by Brazilians is situated in Rio de janero (river of January) .Rio is the second largest city in brazil and was the capital until 1960.
The statue is situated in the peek of Corcovado mountains (700m high from sea level). This area is a national park or a protected area. (We keralites must visit this city to learn how they protect a forest at the heart of a big city.) The statue is 38 meters tall and wieghs 650 tons .
The idea of staue came up in the 18th century but was dismissed
Later once in the first 19th century peroid once brazil became a replubic the idea got momentum and was largely supported by the caltholic church
Local engineer Heitor Da SilVa and French /polish scluptor Paul Landowski made the final designs . The work started in 1922 and finished in 1931. The outer layer of the statue is Soap stone .
There is special buses which will take you to the top of the mountain and then you have to climb a few steps to reach the base of the statue
Once you reach the top you can see the entire city of Rio .
You can feel the message of peace from jesus by looking into the statue
It is amazing how they constructed such a statue in the beginning of the 19th century
Brazil as a country is beautiful , blessed with beautiful people and Nature.
The beaches are clean and far more safer than our Indian beaches
When went for shopping as they found that we are tourists they were happy to give as discounts
I really felt ashamed of thinking how in india we treat tourists or i will call them guests
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ