2010, ഒക്‌ടോബർ 9, ശനിയാഴ്‌ച

Dear Mr. Paul

Dear Mr.Paul Hentry,

I am an Indian, and proud to be an Indian all my life
We are a country with many problems , we have poverty, we have prostittution, we have epidemics , we have poor hygenic conditions.
We have developement issues , We have corrupt political leaders who dosent love this country.
Have you ever thought still how this country is developing to become a world power.
We have a great culture
We have a great histroy.
We have great principals , we had great leaders
Money cannot buy these things

When you said it is appropriate to call Mrs.Dixit DICK SHIT have you thought for a second how her son, husband , daugher, grand children might feel if they hear this??(we still have families down here in the east and most of our parents still  lives with children and grand children)

If you still feel you dont feel bad to call some one DICK SHIT because he, or she is Indian and if it is not racism, will you please tell me what is racism,
I have known  people from Newzeland and have always respected them and good natured people
I am surprised with the support you receive in your country as it shows people of newzeland as racially divided.
I dont know wether you will read this ever
To all my friends who will react on this i urgue you to use appropiate manners
